WI-25667 Blade: formatting blocks are not aligning if there is a HTML comment after a closing tag.WI-28285 Blade doesn’t indent nested statements when formatting.WI-31196 Blade: wrong formatting with HTML comments.WI-64463 Blade: two consecutive fragments are merged together and produce “expected: expression” warning.WI-64460 Blade: missing completion for methods inside tags if there is php block ().WI-37741 AutoCompletion of PHP Variables in Blade.Many other issues with code completion and formatting in Blade templates were resolved as well, including: You can now also import namespaces in your blade files, instead of always having to use FQCNs: As the result, you’ll get much better code completion in your Blade files: Namespace imports with autocompletion In PhpStorm 2022.1, we’ve significantly reworked how the IDE handles Blade templates. It caused many issues, such as losing code completion: Previously, PhpStorm treated every code block in Blade templates as an independent scope. Better psalm and generic annotation support.Improved support for autocompletion in Blade templates.Let’s dive in! What’s new? Frameworks and languages You can download PhpStorm 2022.1 here and read through this post to learn about all the new features and improvements inside. In order to debug any Drush/Symfony or CLI command using Xdebug with PhpStorm or a similar IDE, you will need to set two additional environment variables PHP_IDE_CONFIG + XDEBUG_SESSION_START and configure the path mapping in your IDE accordingly.This new major PhpStorm release includes improved Blade and Twig support, added functionality to docblock type annotations and attributes, a bunch of new and useful inspections, several improvements to the editor, and more. open in new window # Debugging CLI Commandsīy default, our Drupal recipes come with Drush out of the box and also the Symfony recipe has a console tooling, which can be debugged with the following config. Xdebug 3 is now the default version for PHP 7.3 and above.

Also, the default xdebug port changed from 9000 to 9003. With Xdebug 3.x, the setting xdebug.remote_port has been deprecated, and the setting xdebug.client_port should be used instead. See also Debugging Drupal 8 with PHPstorm and Lando on your Mac open in new window.

xdebug.remote_port=9001) and tell phpstorm to listen on that port. If you’ve got a local php installation (for example php 7.1 installed with homebrew on macOS) that listens on port 9000 you may need to change the containers php.ini port specification to another port (i.e. This video tutorial shows you how to set up PhpStorm with Xdebug. PhpStorm open in new window is a popular code IDE for PHP and Drupal development. Lando in Corporate Network Environments.

How do I set the timezone of a Lando service?.Accessing Lando from Other Devices on Your Local Network.